On step 2 of the fixture generation process, you may notice that the team count information is not the same as the actual team counts within divisions.

This problem is caused by a caching issue.  Spawtz caches all the team count, team preference, team name and division name information when you start the fixture generation process.  If you subsequently CHANGE this information (for example by adding or removing a team from a division or changing a team's name) the fixture generation process will not pick up this change.

You can get around this problem by doing the following:

  1. On step 1 of the fixture generation process, select any league OTHER than the league that you want to generate fixtures for, and then select any random division.  Then click Next
  2. On step 2, click Prev to go back to step 1
  3. Now select the actual league you want to generate fixtures for and select all the divisions you want to generate fixtures for
  4. Click Next, and the team counts on step 2 should now be correct.
  5. Selecting a different league on step 1 of the fixture generation process clears the fixture generation cache and causes the system to reload all the team and division data correctly.