One of the most vital day to day tools for a competition administrator is the 'Team Card'. The ability to track who played and when is not only important for tracking qualifications and ensuring game fees have been collected, it may also be vital for security or insurance reasons. 

There are two ways to enter the player's attendance for a particular fixture:

1. The player sign in system: This will allow the individuals to sign themselves in for a particular match at your venue. Along with some other features, the main benefit of this option is that it reduces the double handing of information. 




2. The other option is for a venue manager / staff member enter in the data manually. To do this: 

  • Once logged into the control panel, click on either the Calendar or Duty Report. 
  • Open the fixture details page
  • Click on the 'Availabilities' tab
  • Enter in, by ticking the tick boxes under 'played' to indicate which players played that particular game. 


To view at a later date who played a particular game, the best method is to use the 'Attendance Record' feature. To access this:

  1. Click on 'Leagues', find the league you wish to view.
  2. Click on 'Fixtures' 
  3. Click on 'Attendance Record'

The page will show the "team card" / attendance record for each team within that league. Every player that is associated to that team will show in this list regardless of how many games that have played for that season. At the top of the page, the percentage required can be altered depending on what is considered to be the rules.