A pending registration is created when a customer fills in the registration form for a league, but does not continue to complete the up front payment required to register for that league. 

Administrators can view pending registrations either to communicate with the customers who did not complete the payment or to mark registrations as completed. There are also three scheduled tasks which, when configured, will send email notifications to administrators and users; One scheduled task will send administrators email notifications about registrations that were not completed so they can decide what to do about them and the other scheduled task will send customers email notification a day after they abandon a registration. This email encourages the customer to complete the registration process.

Viewing and managing your pending registrations

You can view and manage your pending registrations in Spawtz by navigating to the League page. If there are any pending team registrations, a link will be visible on the divisions/teams. To view pending individual registrations, a link will be visible on the individuals league page, as demonstrated below.


The pending registrations page displays details regarding all pending registrations, including the date of the registration and the league the user was registering for. Pending registrations can be filtered by date, league, venue and sport. You can send emails to selected pending registrations and convert pending registrations to completed registrations.


Email notifications for pending registrations

Three new scheduled tasks have been added to Spawtz that send email notifications to administrators and customers.  The email notifications are as follows:

  • Email to inform administrators of pending registrations
  • Email to inform users who have a pending team registration that they can resume their registration.
  • Email to inform users who have a pending individual registration that they can resume their registration.

Enable email notifications for pending registrations

To enable these scheduled tasks, navigate to Scheduled tasks configuration page from the Configuration page in the Spawtz admin control panel. If pending registrations are enabled on your site, you will see three additional scheduled tasks.


As with most scheduled tasks, the schedule is configurable at the company, venue or league level. The scheduled task must be set to 'On' in order to run.


Customers can resume their registration

By default, email notifications to customers contain a link that allows the user to resume their pending registration and go on to complete payment to register for a league.

Customise the email notification sent to customers with a pending team or individual registration

The contents of the emails sent to customers are auto text templates and are configured like any other auto text template. Navigate to Auto text configuration page from the Configuration page in the Spawtz admin control panel.

Under the heading 'Individual registration process', you will see the auto text template for the email to pending individual registrations.


Under the heading 'Team registration process', you will see the auto text template for the email to pending team registrations.


When modifying the auto text templates, you may notice a 'usable field' named ResumeUrl. This field represents the url that the customer can navigate to in order to resume and complete their registration.