The most usual registration process, is for a site to direct the user to "Registration Index page" where the user can indicate whether they are joining as a team or as an individual. This URL for this page is http://(yoursite)
The text and layout of the "Registration Index page" can be edited under the AutoText Configuration labelled "Registration: Index". More information on linking Spawtz to your website can be found by reading this knowledge base article - Linking Spawtz to your website - Registration
The process to register a team is as follows:
- Select the league in which they want to join – i.e. Wednesday Mixed Dodgeball – Summer 2014
- Fill in their personal details– First name, Last name and Email address are compulsory
- Enter a team name
- Accept the terms and conditions
- A confirmation screen will show instructions on how to confirm their email address -The text and layout of this screen can be edited under the AutoText Configuration labelled "Team Registration Screen: Step 2"
- Once the email address has been confirmed, user will be logged in to their control panel.
- Users are prompted to add their players to their team
- Users can finalise payment or indicate preferred method of payment
- Users can log back on to this control panel to check upcoming fixtures, view and edit availabilities and register new teams for upcoming competitions.