To Add or Edit a Venue:

  • From the Dashboard, click "Config" and then click "Venues".
  • Click "Details" to check and edit the venue name and the location details (including time zone). If the wrong time zone is selected, there can be some detrimental flow on affects such as communications around game times so it is important to set it to where ever the venue is located.
  • Each venue can have an assigned user to receive notifications about that venue. For multiple venue organisations, this would usually be the venue manager. This can be modified at any time.
  • Once completed, click save. This will bring you back to the Venues page.



Setting up the Playing Areas

On the "Venues" page, there will be a button for "Playing areas". This will bring up the configuration for the courts/fields that the venue will operate.

To add a playing area, click "Add". This is the section to name and arrange the playing areas. Option to create "parent" and "child" playing areas is managed in this section. For more information, see this article - Create Parent and Child Playing Areas and Grouping