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Create a new Team
Teams are created in Spawtz by either by creating them within the Admin control panel or by players registering teams online via the online registration pro...
Mon, 15 Sep, 2014 at 11:47 AM
Encouraging existing players to register themselves on Spawtz
In order for this to work, the ability to "join a team" must be configured to your site. If you believe this feature requires activation, contact ...
Mon, 15 Sep, 2014 at 4:06 PM
Moving Teams Into A Division
Click on the league name, then click "Divisions/Teams" from the sub menu.    The first step is to create a Division. You should see a list ...
Mon, 3 Nov, 2014 at 9:34 AM
Why do some teams who are not playing in this league/season combination show up in the team list?
When filtering teams by the filter on the team list page, some teams may be displayed that you are not expecting.  This is usually because a team has played...
Fri, 19 Sep, 2014 at 12:34 PM
A team has paid, but they still have an outstanding amount on their statement
If you update a team's status with a league (for example you change their status from "Interest" to "Fully paid") because you have t...
Fri, 3 Oct, 2014 at 9:23 AM